
When you talk about design is easy to understand when you come into Fashion is that is the act of make something unique to the people or is the act of design something.
There procedures to follow when someone wants to design a fashion and this is the best for those local designers which  are
- Be aware of what you want to design.
-Prepare the tools which are Pencil, Rubber ect.
-Take plain paper that you can draw your design.
-Apply any material to let your Design to looks good.
-Represent the design .
Those procedures are very important when you want to design.

1 comment:

  1. Hallo guys
    Today i would like to talk something about the way people can learn about Fashion, When you come to a new looking is all about how to come out to the people eyes, here in my country the fashion industry is no too wide although still people want to look beautiful and handsome,
    The fashion is all about the art of design something unique so there is no need to afraid about how the people will judge you. I have been attend so many Awards held here in my country and i have seen how people come out with their new look.
    Few month ago there this award goes by the name of Kilimanjaro Talents Awards 2015 there is artist comes to the award with the unique design and she said by her self that it was her own idea to design that dress although brings a lot of gossip about her and it was one of the hot and sex dress of the year
